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Run & Cycles

How to take part

Participating in any of the events we offer is easy! Scroll down to see the list of events available, and click on the link next to the area that interests you. This will take you to our partner website, Run For Charity, where you can register your interest and sign up for the event.

Once you’ve registered, it’s important to set up your own fundraising page, which you can easily do by clicking the link provided. By setting up a fundraising page, you can start collecting donations and raising funds for our cause.

What you will receive

  • A fundraising pack full of tips and advice
  • A high-quality YMCA running vest
  • A regular newsletter with exclusive updates delivered straight to your inbox
  • A Facebook community where you can share training tips, chart progress and share experiences with your teammates
  • Tailored support from our fundraising team
Set Up A Fundraising Page
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