Mental health, like physical health, is something that we all have, yet speaking openly about mental health is not always easy.
While as a society, there may be more awareness around mental health struggles, most people still find it difficult to talk openly about mental health face-to-face.
However, small chats with your friends, colleagues, and family members can go a long way to making sure you have a place to talk honestly about your feelings.
Small Talks is about taking the time to have these conversations and ensuring that we all make ourselves available to listen. With a few simple guides, we can all positively impact the mental health of those around us.
Here are a few top tips on how to experience positive conversations on mental health, remember to TALK.
In your day-to-day chats, check in with those around you and make an effort to ask people how they are doing.
Try and make sure you are somewhere you feel comfortable – this could be at home or going for a walk.
Try asking people how they’re doing every time you get to talk and catch up properly.
If you’re concerned about someone, then be sure to find time to ask them how they’re doing.
“I’m fine” can be an instant response when people ask how we’re doing. Asking a second time can lead to a more honest and open response.
As well as asking “how are you doing?” as a natural conversation opener, try following with, “how have you been feeling?”
Opening up can be daunting, so be patient and allow them to do so.
Allow people the time needed to talk about their feeling. It may not come all at once, but make sure you’re letting them say what they need to.
We all like to respond to what people tell us, but it is crucial to make sure we’re not cutting people off when they’re trying to open up.
Continue asking questions that invite people to share more
Ask if there is anything you can do to help.
Don’t stop with one chat. Remember to continue checking in to see how those closest to you are doing.
If someone said that they were not feeling great, be sure to check in again with them soon.
If people said that they were doing well, there’s no need to leave it there. Mental health can change, so make check-ins a regular part of your chats.
World Mental Health Day is an annual event taking place each year on 10 October. This year, this lies on a Thursday.
This year’s theme is “it is time to prioritise mental health in the workplace” so we are encouraging people to organise events and activities with internal staff. You will spend more time working than any other activity during your waking hours so ensuring you your workplace is a space that you can feel strongly mentally is so important.
This does not mean you can’t also organise activities for your young people to get involved but rather consider how you can support your own staff to get talking.
Why not organise a “Tea Talks” to get people chatting over tea and cake?
As a nation, there are two things that we love to do: drink tea and have a chat.
We have combined these two loves to make a worthwhile activity that can help you to break the stigma around mental health.
We want to encourage people to take the time to have small talks with each other, so this Mental Health Day, why not take a break and have a chat with a friend, colleague or someone in your life?
If you are from a YMCA, you can order a free Tea Talks pack. Email our campaigns team to find out more.
We all know that going for a walk is great for your physical health, but it is great for your mental health too. That is why we have combined walking and talking to help promote positive conversations whilst on the move.
You can do this with a friend, or if you are from a YMCA, why not think about organising with a youth group or hosting it with colleagues? Use the TALK acronym to support you and get outside.
Evie is a Y Perform Leader at YMCA Yorkshire Coast. She has attended YMCA since she was 7 years old and now, aged 20, is employed to support young people.
“My anxiety began when I was 14 years old. It was at school that I noticed I was starting to get overwhelmed and didn’t know how to control it. For years, I suffered in silence. I wouldn’t discuss the feelings I was having with anyone, and when my anxiety was bad, I tended to shut off.
Talking to people about my mental health made me feel less anxious. It felt like the biggest weight off my shoulders when I finally opened up.
YMCA has helped me in doing that. It is a safe space where I feel confident to speak about my feelings. On top of that, it has activities that can help with your mental health. I started performing in the theatre, and being on stage made me forget all about my anxiety.
I know from my experience what a difference talking made to my anxiety, so remember; Small Talks can make a big difference.”
If someone’s really struggling, try pointing them in the direction where they can get help. Please find a list of helpful places to visit below.
To seek professional help you can call 111 or visit the NHS website.
116 123
0800 999 5428
0300 123 6600
0300 1233 393
0808 500 2222
0300 123 1110